Color Theory

Why are red, yellow, and blue called primary colors?
They are primary colors because no colors can be mixed to make them.

What are the three secondary colors and what colors are combined to create each one?
The secondary colors are green, orange, and purple. They are created by mixing blue and yellow, red and yellow, and red and blue respectively.

Explain the six contrasts often used in combining color schemes on a web site.
The first three contrasts on the site are complimentary colors which are colors matched with their opposites on the color wheel. The next is a warm/cold contrast where they mix warm colors (red, orange, yellow) and cool colors (green, blue, purple). The last two contrasts are dark/light contrasts where two shades of the same color are used.

How can you vary color through the use of gradients? What is another name for using color through gradients?
Colors can be varied by adding black or white.

What is the difference between analogous color and complementary color?
Analogous colors are adjacent on the color wheel while complementary colors are opposite.

From the third and fourth websites, what are five important tips about using color on the web?
The tips are to use contrasting colors, don't use too many colors, and don't use complementary colors side by side.

Blue Red Green Brown Beige Black Yellow Purple Blue Orange Pink Gold

Blue represents peace, tranquility and wisdom.
Red represents courage, danger, and love.
Green represents nature, health, and money.
Brown represents earthiness, comfort, and stability.
Beige is a neutral color that works well as an accent.
Black represents death, elegance, and mystery.
Yellow represents caution, optimism, and cowardice.
Purple represents dignity, royalty, and authority.
White represents truthfullness, purity, and devotion.
Orange represents playfulness, pleasure, and cheer.
Pink represents softness, femininity, and innocence.
Gold represents wealth and prestige.